Protestmarsch fordert Handeln nach Morden an Ukrainer*innen in Deutschland

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The brutal murders of six Ukrainians in Germany this year, including two servicemen undergoing rehabilitation and young basketball players, have sparked outrage and a call to action.

To honor the victims and demand justice, a protest march is planned for Friday, May 3rd, 2024.

March Details:

  • Start Time: 6:00 PM (18:00)
  • Starting Point: Auswärtiges Amt (German Federal Foreign Office)

Route: The march will proceed from the Auswärtiges Amt to the russian Embassy, then to the Bundestag (German Parliament), before concluding at the Ukrainian Embassy.

In addition to the protest march, a memorial space has been established near the Ukrainian Embassy since Monday, April 29th. The memorial will remain open until Saturday, May 4th, offering the public a space to pay respects to the victims.

Upcoming events
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